This panel series is comprised of alumni from various disciplines to talk about their career pathways and professional development from emerging to established artists and designers. The purpose of these panels is to illuminate and demystify the career paths of creatives while offering insight and advice.
Whether you’re an artist looking to protect your art and studio practice or an art enthusiast looking to purchase insurance for your collection, we hope this will give you an insight into the complex world of insurance.
We hope these six ways to deal with rejection help you become a stronger artist in the process.
This guide is intended for any and all creatives who are curious how to price their work. We break down formulas for pricing by the the inch or the hour that can apply to a variety of practices and careers.
This roundup shares an annotated list for documenting your work. This applies to visual artists, exhibitions, design prototypes, and anything physical that requires documentation.
This guide is intended for any and all creatives who sell work online. While specific to scams regarding artwork, the skills in scrutinizing offers can also apply to fraudulent jobs and other phishing emails.
This guide is intended for visual artists looking to plan a solo exhibition. The advice within can be applied to event planning, group exhibitions, and budding curators.