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A globally connected community of Emily Carr University alumni.

As Emily Carr University of Art and Design + Vancouver School of Art graduates, you are our greatest ambassadors. We are proud of our alumni and want to champion each and every one of you. Every year we get to welcome hundreds of new creatives to our community.

Emily Carr’s alumni and faculty are among the most influential and important artists and designers working in their respective fields. Graduates go on to careers in a variety of fields, and are regularly accepted into graduate studies programs in major universities and art institutions around the world. When leaving university for the first time, we want to make that transition as easy as possible.


We love hearing from alumni like you! Submit your news, event, success story, or portfolio link for coverage on social, the website, or our newsletter. You can also submit a change of contact information, ask a question, or volunteer. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you would like to submit your event, exhibition or general artwork for coverage on the alumni social channels, please email us with the following:

  • a brief description of what you want coverage on
  • any relevant links to direct traffic to
  • your own social media handles
  • important dates or deadlines
  • square image that is minimum 1080×1080 px

Accepted content will be scheduled on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn unless otherwise specified by the submission. Alternatively, you can tag both @ecualumnirelations and @emilycarru on Instagram and the team will do our best to reshare your content.

Subscribe and stay Up-to-date!

Subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter and we’ll deliver updates on university events, alumni stories, new benefits & savings, and other alumni opportunities directly to your inbox. For artist calls, check the artist calls section of our website.

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