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Sonny Assu | Day School

Sonny Assu | Day School

Equinox Gallery presents Day School, a new exhibition of work by Sonny Assu (’02). Sonny Assu is currently a Masters Candidate in Fine Arts at Concordia University in Montreal. This exhibition marks his return to Vancouver and is his fourth solo exhibition with Equinox Gallery.

Sonny Assu’s work investigates Indigenous iconography and the representation of First Nation’s culture. This exhibition, titled in reference to the residential school system, reflects a history of systemic discrimination and an eradication of Indigeonous culture and language within Canada. The work in this exhibition reflects the artists’ personal history and also examines larger narratives of the colonial education system and the lack and loss of Indigenous language within this system.

Sonny Assu is Laich-kwil-tach (Kwakwaka’wakw’ of the We Wai Kai First Nation (Cape Mudge). He graduated from Emily Carr University of Art + Design in 2002 and went on to exhibit in galleries across North America. His work has appeared in solo shows at the Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Oakville Art Galleries, Two Rivers Gallery, West Vancouver Museum, Belkin Satellite, and the Art Gallery of Southwestern Mantioba. He has also participated in group exhibitions at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa Art Gallery, Vancouver Art Gallery and Museum of Arts & Design, New York. Most recently, his work has appeared at l’Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris.

Sonny Assu | Day School
Equinox Gallery
June 13 to July 11, 2015

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