This panel series is comprised of alumni from various disciplines to talk about their career pathways and professional development from emerging to established artists and designers. The purpose of these panels is to illuminate and demystify the career paths of creatives while offering insight and advice.
The panel on February 17th is Illustration featuring:
Jazz Groden-Gilchrist is a Canadian comic artist who was one of the co-founders of Comic Carr, ECU’s comic club. Growing up as an adopted kid and only black person in his family, identity was more of a struggle for him than he realized, but he found he was able to express this through the safe distance of storytelling. He enjoys creating diverse fantasy settings that explore identity, complex familial relations, and responsibility. He is represented by Jennifer Azantian of the Azantian Literary Agency and is currently pitching his graphic novel series You Will Live Forever.
Cole Pauls is a Tahltan comic artist, illustrator and printmaker hailing from Haines Junction (Yukon Territory) with a BFA in Illustration from Emily Carr University. Residing in Vancouver, Pauls focuses on his two comic series, the first being Pizza Punks: a self contained comic strip about punks eating pizza, the other being Dakwäkãda Warriors.
Makoto Chi (he/they) is a tattooer and visual artist currently living in unceded Coast Salish, Musqueam, Skxwú7mesh, Tsleil-Waututh lands, also known as Vancouver, Canada. Their multidisciplinary tattoo and image-making practices utilize chimaeric figures as stand-ins for personal experiences and nods to contemporary and historical myth-making. Chi’s focus takes interest in power dynamics, borrowing notes from his own mixed-racial heritage and coming into queerness to inform a rich bank of iconic imagery.
Pandora Young is an illustrator living and working in beautiful Vancouver British Columbia Canada. She is a graduate of Emily Carr University of Art + Design with a degree in Illustration. Her favorite food is sushi, and her favorite hobby is the taking of naps.
Illustration focuses on career pathways for illustrators.
Panels will run from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Breakout rooms from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
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Meeting ID: 899 8953 6037
Passcode: 074687