O is for Orange | Adiba Muzaffar
Adiba Muzaffar (MFA, 2018) is a filmmaker from New Delhi, India. In recent years, her practice has evolved into media art and installation work, inspecting film as a body and skin as an interface. Through video narratives led by personal accounts and experiments with moving images, she perseveres to yank at invisible stigmas. Ongoing work includes 360 video tours and work with virtual reality, broadening a methodology of using immersive media.
Exhibition Dates | October 5 through 10
Opening | October 7 at 5 PM
Venue | Alternatives Creation located at 1659 Venables Street
About the Show
In the body of work that is ‘O is for Orange’ there’s a collaborative meditation on just the outer skin of the fruit body, to contemplate the aspect of touch in care work. The orange is chosen for how it gets held and peeled. For how its shape reminds the hands to create an enclosure, a coop. The relationship between the hands and the orange forms a skin to skin relationship. There isn’t a hierarchy when we speak of touch, but perhaps one does emerge when we hold. Is the skin the protector or are the hands, as they unravel it? A group of care-workers and parents lend their voice and perspective.
This show was made possible because of the support and generosity of the amazing people at PosAbilities.